
Showing 6 of 25
Bone & Joint Helper

    Bone & Joint Helper

    A unique nutritional supplement formulated to improve bone strength. It includes several powerhouse...
    $34.40 $43.00
    (Save $8.60)
    90 capsules
    Out of stock. ETA 1/15 - 1/22
    Daily Bone Xcel 150 Caps

      Daily Bone Xcel

      Premier bone building supplement. Contains high quality MCHC calcium and coral calcium, along with the important bone building nutrients vitamin D, vitamin K, boron, and more.
      $28.00 $35.00
      (Save $7.00)
      In Stock
      Collagen Peptides

        Collagen Peptides

        Collagen Peptides nourish your body's collagen production and support healthy joints, skin, hair, and bones. Grass-fed, pasture-raised bovine collagen peptide proteins.*
        $33.60 $42.00
        (Save $8.40)
        500 grams
        In Stock
        Daily Builder

          Daily Builder

          Structural support for bones, muscles, cartilage, and connective tissue. *
          $28.00 $35.00
          (Save $7.00)
          180 capsules
          In Stock
          Vitamin D 2500IU

            D, Vitamin D

            This is an easy way to boost your vitamin D intake. Vitamin D supports bones, mood, the immune system, and more. We offer Vitamin D in 1,000IU and 2,500IU capsules.*
            $11.20 $14.00
            (Save $2.80)
            In Stock
            Daily Super E 90 caps

              Daily Super E

              This superior quality complete tocotrienol complex supports cholesterol metabolism, arterial health, bones, and skin. Put the power of tocotrienol vitamin E to work for you!*
              $32.80 $41.00
              (Save $8.20)
              In Stock

              Health Topics

              Showing 6 of 21

              Bone Health

              Strong bones, bone density, optimal bone mass, bone growth, and bone rejuvenation are all topics vital to the quality of your health. Premium-quality minerals, vitamin D, vitamin K, and other important bone-building nutrients are essential to provide adequate nutrition for the ongoing process of bone rejuvenation.*New science shows that managing the...

              Comprehensive Bone Building

              Building and growing bones has similarities to building a house, in that adequate raw materials must be on hand or the construction work cannot be done in an optimal way. A variety of primary nutrients are required for normal bone density and strength, including protein, calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium (like plywood and 2 x 4s). In addition to these...

              How Leptin Regulates Bone Health

              The overall function of thyroid hormone in your body is occurring with permission from the big hormone boss, leptin. Not surprisingly, leptin regulation of bone is even more important than thyroid regulation of bone. We now understand that leptin regulates bone in two primary ways: 1) Leptin signals your subconscious brain (hypothalamus) to turn on...

              Toxins Stress Bones

              While virtually any type of stress is potential wear and tear for bones. One form, too many toxins, can wreak havoc with bone strength and optimal bone health. For example, the cadmium in cigarettes is known to displace zinc within bone structure. This means that smoking is inherently weakening to your bone mass, not only because it reduces the flow of...

              Calcium and Bone Health

              It has been documented that calcium is mobilized from a mother's bones during pregnancy and helps build the baby's bones, a natural process. The loss of bone mineral density during pregnancy may be 5%, but that bone density is typically replaced within a year. Breast feeding appears to assist bone remineralization in the mother.There is some evidence to...

              Bone Health Nutrients

              Various nutrients may assist bone to maintain its normal structure.* Nutrients like calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are integral to the health of bone. Various cofactor nutrients like vitamin K, manganese, and silica play important roles in bone integrity. High quality forms of these basic bone-building nutrients are found inDaily Bone Xcel™ and/or...


              Showing 6 of 271

              08 02, 2008

              Protect Your Bones During Weight Loss

              There is a right way to lose weight and a wrong way. The wrong way is to go on a starvation low-calorie diet and induce the leptin starvation response. When this happens you lose bone mass and weight, and you are much more likely to gain the weight back later. New research shows that the jolt to your bones may continue even after the weight loss has...

              01 14, 2008

              Bone Health Opens a New Door to Blood Sugar Metabolism

              It was surprising enough when fat was found making various hormones like leptin and adiponectin and thus became an endocrine organ (hormone secreting). It is now time to add bones to the list of endocrine organs that have a major influence on the metabolism of calories. The new discoveries have immediate implications for improved bone health, improved...

              07 29, 2010

              Bone Health Can Help Prevent Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

              A unique strain of mouse was bred to have no insulin receptors on its bone-building osteoblasts, although it had insulin receptors every place else. The mouse became fat. As it aged it grew even fatter and its blood sugar levels shot up and it developed severe insulin resistance. The mouse was treated with osteocalcin and the problems reversed....

              06 06, 2008

              Dairy Prevents Bone Loss During Weight Loss

              A diet of lean protein and low fat dairy, along with vegetables and fruit, was able to stop bone loss during weight loss – something that our government's food pyramid guidelines could not do. Study participants consume 30% of their calories from protein, while the food pyramid recommends only 10% of calories from protein.

              01 12, 2015

              Bone Loss Caused by Thyroid Meds and Other Drugs

              Every person over the age of 20 has declining bone health. More bone is lost than added from that point forward. This increases the risk of bone loss. There is another factor that influences bone health and it is seen in the fine print of prescription medication warnings. It is an elephant in the room as a risk factor for osteoporosis. It is drug-induced...

              03 19, 2010

              Bone Drugs Proven to Cause Poor Bone Quality in Humans

              Two studies from the Special Surgery (HHS) and Columbia University Medical Center have confirmed the recent media attention on the extreme dangers to bone from the long-term use of bone drugs (bisphosphonates). The researchers found that after four years of use bisphosphonates had a negative effect on bones causing declining structural integrity of bone....


              Showing 6 of 552

              11 04, 2010

              Colostrum and Bone Health

              Protective effects of bovine colostrum acid proteins on bone loss of ovariectomized rats and the ingredients identification.

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