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Mastering Leptin

    Mastering Leptin

    Have you tried every diet and still can't lose weight? Do you lose weight and gain it right back?...
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    The Leptin Diet

      The Leptin Diet

      The Leptin Diet explains how to unleash the power of hormones to resolve fatigue, food cravings,...
      In Stock
      The Leptin Diet Package
      • On sale!
      • Pack

      The Leptin Diet Starter Package

      Everything you need to get started! The Leptin Diet Package is a combination of the best...
      $171.75 $229.00
      (Save $57.25)
      On Backorder
      Green Tea Extract

        Green Tea Extract

        Highest quality green tea extract for weight management.*
        $22.40 $28.00
        (Save $5.60)
        90 capsules
        In Stock
        Leptin Control Pack

          Leptin Control Pack

          Weight management nutritional supplements in convenient on-the-go packets. These nutrients support...
          $124.00 $155.00
          (Save $31.00)
          60 packets
          Out of Stock
          Stress Helper 90 capsules

            Stress Helper

            Provides excellent nutrients for stress tolerance, reducing food cravings from stress, and weight management. Supports adrenal health and improves mental clarity and mood.*
            $38.40 $48.00
            (Save $9.60)
            In Stock

            Health Topics

            Showing 6 of 28

            Protein & Fiber Boost Weight Loss

            Protein and fiber are vital for healthy weight loss. Are you getting enough? Your minimum protein intake for weight loss should be 1/2 to 3/4 of your ideal body weight in grams of protein per day. To maximize muscle metabolism, you need protein high in branched-chain amino acids, especially leucine. Unlike any other amino acid, leucine directly...

            Weight Loss Before Pregnancy

            If you are struggling with body weight prior to pregnancy you are wrestling with an inefficient leptin system that will invariably increase the risk for problems during and following pregnancy. Whenever possible, you should be at a proper body weight for at least six months prior to getting pregnant. Minimally, you should have weight issues trending...

            Weight Loss & Hormones

            Extra weight fuels estrogen dominance and stresses insulin function. These factors need to be well managed to maintain optimal female hormone balance and health. There is extensive information on our website regarding weight management, including our groundbreaking information on The Leptin Diet. Below are a few of our most popular options.

            Leptin Weight Management

            Wellness Resources Weight Management Supplements help improve leptin hormone communication, reduce food cravings, increase energy, support healthy thyroid function, and improve blood sugar metabolism. They make getting started on a weight loss program easier and can help you get beyond a weight loss plateau.* Nutritional supplements are tools to use in an...

            Sleep & Weight Loss

            You must get an adequate amount of sleep in order to lose weight. Sleep is prime fat burning time. If you don't get enough you throw leptin out of balance, are tired the next day, and want to eat more to try to get your energy going. This invariably leads to overeating and weight gain.Individuals with sleep deficiency or insomnia may also have concurrent...


            Showing 6 of 69

            05 07, 2012

            Unclog Your Liver & Lose Abdominal Fat – Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #6

            Your liver plays a central role in the metabolism of any type of calorie. During weight gain your liver is being punched in the nose by inflammatory metabolic flu signals coming from your white adipose tissue (stored fat) and your digestive tract (bacterial imbalance, LPS, Candida, etc.). At the same time, your white adipose tissue is unable to store fat...

            06 06, 2008

            Dairy Prevents Bone Loss During Weight Loss

            A diet of lean protein and low fat dairy, along with vegetables and fruit, was able to stop bone loss during weight loss – something that our government's food pyramid guidelines could not do. Study participants consume 30% of their calories from protein, while the food pyramid recommends only 10% of calories from protein.

            09 24, 2012

            How Protein Helps Weight Loss

            Quality protein is the single most important calorie that helps you sustain, improve, build, and enhance multiple body systems, including weight loss and management.

            08 26, 2010

            Clinical Trial Proves Water Before Meals Boosts Weight Loss

            For the first time a clinical trial has proven that drinking 2 cups of water (16 ounces) before each meal resulted in an additional 5 pounds of weight loss over a 12 week period. Both the water drinking group and the non-water drinking group were on a low calorie diet in order to lose weight. The researchers suggested that water before meals helps a...

            11 30, 2011

            Snacking Interferes with Weight Loss

            Postmenopausal overweight and obese women who snacked between breakfast and lunch during a calorie-restriction weight loss program lost less weight than those who did not snack. This study demonstrates that snacking, at a minimum, creates metabolic inefficiency. Of course, snacking in conjunction with calorie excess is killing Americans at and early age...

            08 02, 2008

            Protect Your Bones During Weight Loss

            There is a right way to lose weight and a wrong way. The wrong way is to go on a starvation low-calorie diet and induce the leptin starvation response. When this happens you lose bone mass and weight, and you are much more likely to gain the weight back later. New research shows that the jolt to your bones may continue even after the weight loss has...


            Showing 6 of 96
            Monthly Sale

            February Sale

            Improve circulation, lipid health, and cardiovascular fitness.