Our premier supplement to support healthy glucose metabolism. It helps reduce sugar cravings and can help you feel more satisfied from food. Supports healthy weight management.*
Cinnamon Plus™ contains cinnamon extract, coffee berry extract (decaffeinated), and banaba extract for healthy glucose metabolism. Cinnamon has been found to positively influence various health parameters often associated with proper insulin function, including natural support for healthy blood pressure and healthy metabolism of lipids (cholesterol and...
No simple fix or miracle weight loss pill will ever address the complexity of leptin in your metabolism. Beware of false marketing for any one product making this claim (Many leptin products are out there, all of them riding on our coattails, as we are the original leptin experts). On the other hand, there are many nutrients that beneficially impact...
It is very common that individuals who are overweight have a majority of the symptoms associated with a sluggish thyroid function. This is especially true for those who have a history of yo-yo dieting or have difficulty losing weight by cutting back on calories and trying to exercise more. Leptin is known as the fat-hormone, as it is made in your white...
No simple fix or miracle weight loss pill will ever address the complexity of leptin in your metabolism. Beware of false marketing for any one product making this claim (Many leptin products are out there, all of them riding on our coattails, as we are the original leptin experts). On the other hand, there are many nutrients that beneficially impact...
Cold hands, cold feet, and cold nose reveal clues about circulation and body temperature. Impaired thyroid and adrenal fatigue are the most common causes of low body temperature. Learn about the key points for solving low body temperature distress.
Stevia has gained substantial popularity as a natural no-calorie sweetener in the last several years. Do you ever wonder how stevia affects your body besides its no-calorie sweet taste?
Nearly 7 out of 10 Americans take prescription drugs. More than half take two drugs. Senior citizens, 65 and older, take on average 14 or more prescription drugs per year. This creates a major concern with negative drug interactions and nutrient depletions.
Thyroid health and function is an intricate web of artwork throughout the body. It is not just the thyroid gland and a single signal from the brain to the thyroid. It is a complicated web of activity throughout the brain and body down to 70 trillion cells and their cell membranes. When this web is working well, vigor, vitality, and healthy metabolic...
Type 2 diabetes is a difficult metabolic problem. It is a national embarrassment that so many of our young people are becoming type 2 diabetic. It is a national disgrace that millions of type 2 diabetic patients are being injured with commonly used diabetic medications that are known to make their metabolic situation worse.