Study Title:
Study of Trace Elements in Patients of Hypothyroidism with Special Reference to Zinc and Copper
Study Abstract
Background:Hypothyroidism is a clinical entity resulting from a deficiency of thyroid hormones or, more rarely, from their impaired activity at the tissue level. Several mineral and trace elements are essential for normal thyroid hormone metabolism and co-existing deficiencies of these elements can impair thyroid function. The present study was conducted with the aim to find out the concentrations of zinc and copper in hypothyroidism and to determine the possible correlations between trace elements and thyroid hormones.
Materials and methods: Our study included 40 patients with hypothyroidism and 40 normal control subjects. In all the subjects, T3, T4, and TSH were measured by ELISA whereas trace elements zinc and copper were measured colorimetrically
Results:Both zinc and copper were significantly reduced in patients of hypothyroidism as compared to controls (57.05±7.54 μg/dl vs. 98.02±7.77 μg/dl, p<0.001 and 73.86±6.22 μg/dl vs. 114.97±18.18 μg/dl, p<0.001, respectively). Zinc was significantly and positively correlated with T3 (r=0.326; p<0.05) in hypothyroidism patients but there was no significant correlation of zinc with rest of the hormones i.e, T4 (r=0.078; p>0.05) and TSH (r=-0.026; p>0.05) levels. With regard to copper, we did not find any significant correlation of copper with T3 (r=0.076; p>0.05), T4 (r=0.171; p>0.05) and TSH (r=0.167; p>0.05).
Conclusion: In conclusion, hypothyroid patients had significantly decreased concentration of zinc and copper. Hence, diet rich in trace elements, viz. zinc and copper should be supplied to patients of hypothyroidism in order to maintain normal thyroid hormone function.
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