
Showing 4 of 4
ALC 90 caps


    Boost memory, stress tolerance, and fat metabolism. Acetyl-L-Carnitine is an amino acid that...
    $22.40 $28.00
    (Save $5.60)
    90 capsules
    In Stock
    Stress Helper 90 capsules

      Stress Helper

      Provides excellent nutrients for stress tolerance, reducing food cravings from stress, and weight management. Supports adrenal health and improves mental clarity and mood.*
      $38.40 $48.00
      (Save $9.60)
      In Stock
      R Alpha Lipoic Acid

        Lipoic Acid, R-Alpha

        Antioxidant for nerve integrity and heart health. Enhanced Na-RALA form for superior bioavailability and stability.*
        $28.80 $36.00
        (Save $7.20)
        90 capsules
        In Stock
        Leptin Control Pack

          Leptin Control Pack

          Weight management nutritional supplements in convenient on-the-go packets. These nutrients support...
          $124.00 $155.00
          (Save $31.00)
          60 packets
          Out of Stock

          Health Topics

          Showing 6 of 12

          Memory and Heart Health

          For those who want to support both memory and heart health, the nutrient acetyl-l-carnitine shines. Natural production of acetyl-l-carnitine in the body declines with age, just as Q10 does. Acetyl-l-carnitine is one of the most powerful nutrients for nourishing the autonomic nervous system that regulates heart rhythms. A number of studies have shown that...

          Improve Your Liver and Pancreas Health

          In order to sustain healthy blood sugar and insulin function it is vital to ensure your liver is in excellent working condition. Various nutrients, like silymarin, R-alpha lipoic acid, NAC, pantethine, acetyl-l-carnitine, and carnosine support the healthy metabolism of fat and sugar by your liver. Various herbs, such as gymnema sylvestre, pterocarpus...

          Nerve Communication and Heart Health

          Nerves must maintain healthy connections to tissues they are regulating, including the heart. When signs of nerve wear and tear (shaking, numbness, tingling, etc.) start to occur in the hands or feet, it means that the long nerves going to these areas are struggling to maintain healthy function. The basic nutrients needed for nerve transmission are B...

          Weight Management and Cellulite

          Fat cell fitness is an issue of immense importance. As a person gains weight fat cells expand in size and replicate, and their metabolism becomes sluggish. Problems are aggravated by high stress. Within cellulite not only are the fat cells expanding in size, they are being knocked into irregular shapes. Fat cells naturally fill up with triglycerides when...

          Stress Controlled by Leptin

          Stress implies that there is an increased need for energy. Leptin, which is overall in charge of your body's energy spending systems, also regulates your adrenal and nervous system response to stress. When leptin systems work efficiently you have a better ability to tolerate stress, do not feel wired up or exhausted from stress, and do not eat in response...

          Postpartum Excess Substance P Release

          Substance P is intimately involved with pain, anxiety, and poor mood. Substance P is the main way your body processes pain and intense stress. Under routine stress, your body simply turns up the volume knob on nerve activity and energy production and when the stress is over, everything is supposed to recover. Substance P is not used as a basic coping...


          Showing 6 of 74

          12 02, 2010

          Acetyl-L-Carnitine Protects Blood-Brain Barrier from Alcohol Damage

          In excess alcohol is a fat-soluble toxin that readily damages the healthy structure of your blood-brain barrier. In this situation not only is your brain exposed to toxic levels of alcohol but the compromise that excess alcohol causes to your blood-brain barrier enables other toxins to enter your brain and induce damage. A new study shows that...

          05 07, 2012

          Unclog Your Liver & Lose Abdominal Fat – Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #6

          Your liver plays a central role in the metabolism of any type of calorie. During weight gain your liver is being punched in the nose by inflammatory metabolic flu signals coming from your white adipose tissue (stored fat) and your digestive tract (bacterial imbalance, LPS, Candida, etc.). At the same time, your white adipose tissue is unable to store fat...

          02 03, 2014

          Is Resveratrol the Fountain of Youth?

          There are a lot of great anti-aging and metabolism boosting nutrients: DHA, pantethine, acetyl-l-carnitine, carnosine, r-alpha lipoic acid, grape seed extracts – the list goes on and on. In fact, most nutrients help cells function better and thus live longer. So, why is resveratrol vying for the position as King of the anti-aging nutrients – with a potent...


          Showing 6 of 111
          Monthly Sale

          February Sale

          Improve circulation, lipid health, and cardiovascular fitness.