
Showing 6 of 6
Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol

    Q10, Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol

    The ubiquinol form of Q10 is an excellent antioxidant nutrient that supports cellular energy...
    $38.40 $48.00
    (Save $9.60)
    60 capsules
    In Stock
    Super CoQ10

      Q10, Super CoQ10

      Unique pharmaceutical-grade Q10. Helps cellular energy production. Super CoQ10 is in a crystal-free form for enhanced absorption.*
      $26.60 $38.00
      (Save $11.40)
      90 capsules
      In Stock
      Q10, Coenzyme Q10 Supplement

        Q10, Coenzyme Q10

        Q10 helps cellular energy production.*
        $22.40 $28.00
        (Save $5.60)
        90 capsules
        Out of stock.
        $165.00 $220.00
        (Save $55.00)
        In Stock
        Daily Detoxify 90 capsules

          Daily Detoxify

          Top nutritional supplement for the liver. Supports the natural processes of detoxification.*
          $33.60 $42.00
          (Save $8.40)
          Out of stock
          Performa Plus

            Performa Plus

            Supplement for men or women to support circulation, energy, and stamina.*
            $26.40 $44.00
            (Save $17.60)
            90 capsules
            In Stock

            Health Topics

            Showing 4 of 4

            Mitochondria Supplements

            Mitochondria are your cell's engines, critical for energy production. How is your energy level throughout the day and your energy when exercising? Mitochondrial health is of utmost importance to living a healthy, active, and vibrant life. Top mitochondria supplements include PQQ, Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol, and Fisetin.*

            Managing LDL Cholesterol

            Cholesterol fitness is a subject with many variables. Cholesterol is found in every cell of your body and is vital for survival and longevity. LDL cholesterol has been labeled "bad" because once it is damaged it can accumulate in plaque that lines arteries. However, the proper function of LDL cholesterol is vital to your health and the normal function of...

            Thyroid and Cardiovascular Health

            Thyroid hormone controls the rate that oxygen is used at the cellular level to make energy. Your circulatory system is how oxygen is transported to cells. Thus, there is tremendous overlap between a healthy thyroid and cardiovascular system, and conversely, between a stressed thyroid and cardiovascular system. Indicators of good health include a sense of...

            Reduce Excess Lactic Acid and Cellular Waste

            When your cells are working well and making energy properly they are fairly clean burning engines, making less trash. As cell function declines they start to pour a lot of black smoke out their exhaust, in the form of lactic acid and other inflammatory by-products. This changes the pH in the fluid around cells, stressing circulation to and from cells....


            Showing 6 of 37

            02 25, 2019

            Enhance Exercise Performance with Q10 Ubiquinol

            While there’s no doubt that regular physical exercise is beneficial for health, exhaustive exercise can lead to excessive free radical production. Discover the nutrient that will quench the free radical damage and improve athletic performance.

            11 19, 2006

            A Bombshell Drops on Cholesterol Medication's Glass House

            It had to happen sooner or later. On October 3, 2006, after extensive review of all studies relating to cholesterol-lowering benefits by statin drugs, scientists reporting in the Annals of Internal Medicine pulled the rug out from under the current government-sanctioned cholesterol levels for reducing cardiovascular disease. Their conclusion, “current...

            12 12, 2016

            Mitochondria – Drugs that Injure and What Mitochondria Injury Looks Like

            Mitochondrial damage is something that consumers need to be aware of. Many age-related and seemingly unrelated disorders occur as a result of cumulative damage to mitochondria. Unfortunately, the list of medications damaging mitochondria function continues to expand. Are your medications damaging your mitochondria and putting your health at risk?

            12 11, 2007

            The Statin Scam Marches On

            Considering that tens of millions of Americans now take statins to lower cholesterol, the following headline was conspicuously absent from the major media this month: "Statins Found to Turn On Gene that Causes Muscle Damage"; It's now a fact of science; a new study shows that taking statins destroys your muscle to a greater or lesser degree. And let's...



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